How to Stop Overthinking Things and Relax Your Mind

How to Stop Overthinking Things and Relax Your Mind


Do you ever find yourself trapped in a seemingly unbreakable spiral of overthinking? Maybe you've even accepted it as a quirky personality trait, trying to laugh it off in order to cope with the stress it brings. But let's be real, overthinking is a major buzzkill that causes unnecessary stress in our daily lives. Fortunately, there are a few strategies and techniques that can help you relax your mind and find some peace and quiet up in that ol' noggin of yours.

It's natural for our minds to race from time to time, especially when we're feeling stressed or anxious. Our brains defensively jump into action, thinking of all the possible scenarios that could play out and looking for solutions. However, constantly living in this elevated state can be exhausting. If you feel like you're stuck replaying the same situations over and over in your head, don't worry, we've got your back. Keep reading for some tips to help reduce those irrational, nagging thoughts and get you back to a place of zen. 

Take Action Now 💪🏼

Often, overthinking is caused by procrastination — there’s always that one nagging thing on our daily to-do list that we’re dreading. We all know the feeling of putting something off until tomorrow, next week, or even never, only to feel guilty and regretful about it the whole time. This procrastination can cause a spiral of negative thoughts, leading to excessive overthinking.

So, what's the solution? The easiest strategy is to tackle the task head-on. Instead of putting it off, take action and get it done. If it's a work-related problem, simply fire up your laptop and crank it out. If it's a difficult conversation with a loved one that you've been avoiding, send a text to that person and ask if they have time for a quick call.

Addressing the problem right away will provide a sense of relief and release the pent-up emotions that come with overthinking. Plus, time helps to heal most problems, so the sooner you take action, the better. Don't let overthinking and procrastination hold you back from feeling at peace. Take charge and get things done, now. You'll be surprised at how much easier it is than you initially thought.

how exercise helps mental health

Get Off the Couch and Get Moving 🏃‍♀️

This is advice that you already know, and probably don't want to hear again: But it's true, physical activity does wonders for your mental health! One of the many benefits of exercise is its ability to promote relaxation and reduce overthinking. So, if you've had enough of battling with your never-ending worried thoughts and mind running wild, it might be time to hit the gym or go for a jog.

When you work out, your body releases endorphins (natural feel-good chemicals!). This "feel-good" effect can help calm your mind and distract you from negative thoughts that might be weighing you down. Plus, focusing on your body and the physical activity at hand can give your mind a break from constant overthinking. In fact, to quote Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, “exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. And happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don’t.”

Fortunately, you don't have to be a fitness guru or an ultra-marathoner to reap the benefits of exercise. At first, simply try to incorporate a bit of activity into your daily routine of good habits! Even just a 30-minute walk or quick yoga session will do wonders for your mental health. So, next time you find yourself stuck in a cycle of overthinking, why not lace up your sneakers and go for a stroll? Your mind will thank you, and you’ll probably get a better night’s sleep, too!

Practice Mindfulness 🧘🏽‍♀️

A common scenario for over-thinkers: You are lying in bed, struggling to fall asleep because your mind won't stop racing. Sounds familiar, right? Well, the next time you find yourself caught in this downward spiral of negative thoughts, why not try a quick mental exercise? Practicing mindfulness can help you stay focused on the present moment and reduce the tendency to overthink. 

Mindfulness involves intentionally bringing your attention to the present moment and being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. You can start by simply taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body. You can also try listening to guided meditations to learn more advanced techniques.

With regular practice, mindfulness will help you develop the skill of letting go of intrusive thoughts and worries. Just like how we exercise our bodies to stay healthy, we can exercise our minds to stay sane. So, if you're ready to pump some mental iron, there's no time like the present to get started!

daily journaling prompts and ideas

Set Goals and Prioritize Tasks 📝

Ah, the dreaded (and seemingly never-ending) to-do list. Some days you might not even know where to begin, balancing work tasks, personal obligations and family commitments. Rather than staring into the abyss of a blank computer screen getting nothing done, next time, opt for some paper and a pen, old-school style.

Physically writing things down is a sure fire way to reduce mental clutter, get the creative juices flowing and get everything that’s weighting on you out of your mind and down onto paper. In fact, Tidy Plans has an entire collection of printable daily to-do lists and cute stationery for you to do just that. At the beginning of each day, identify your highest priority goal and any other necessary reminders.

Writing down your goals is a simple yet effective way to combat overthinking. When you have a clear list of what you want to achieve, you can focus your energy and attention on taking action towards those goals, rather than getting lost in a sea of endless possibilities. Writing down your goals also helps to give them structure and specificity, making them feel more attainable and less daunting. It's a great way to prioritize what is important to you and take tangible steps towards achieving those things. Plus, there's just something so satisfying about crossing items off a list, right?!

* * *

So there you have it, gals! We've covered a lot of ground on how to stop overthinking and relax your mind, from getting your body moving to practicing mindfulness. Remember, these strategies are all flexible, so it’s important to do some trial and error in order to find what works best for you.

Remember: Overthinking is a natural response to stress, but it doesn't have to control your life. By using these tips and techniques, you can take back control of your thoughts and start enjoying a more peaceful, stress-free life. You’re in control, girlfriend!

Thanks for checking out The Deep Clean, Tidy Plan's blog full of tips and advice to help you declutter your mind and build good habits. We're all about self-care, productivity, organization, and are here to assist you on your personal growth journey to become your best self!