The Deep Clean

Six Easy Organization Tips for July 2024

Clutter all around the house, a chaotic schedule full of obligations and a never-ending to-do list (for both work and your personal life) — sound familiar? If so, it’s time to hit pause, take a step back and finally get out from under this everyday turmoil.  Easier said than done, right? Not necessarily, because today we’re here with six simple and effective tips to help you live a more organized and stress-free life in July 2024 — let’s dive in! Start By Uncluttering Your Physical Space Decluttering your physical surroundings can...


Achieve Your 2025 Goals by Setting Mini-Goals

Maybe you want to run a marathon. Or maybe you want to become fluent in Spanish. What about starting that small business you’ve always dreamed of These are all fantastic, life-changing goals, no doubt — but there’s just one problem: How do you know what the first step towards achieving them is?


Journaling Ideas for July 2024

Hello fellow organizationally obsessed ladies! As we step into July 2024, it's the perfect time to channel your inner self-care goddess and embrace the power of morning journaling. Whether you're a seasoned journaling pro or just dipping your toes into some newfound self-reflection, we’re here with to inspire you with a few fresh and exciting journaling ideas that will make July 2024 your most introspective and empowering month yet.


Ditch the Mental Clutter: Why You Should Write Everything Down

Let’s be real, you already play the role of Super Woman day-in and day-out. And you’re probably also a pretty organized, on-top-of-it type of gal. But name a superhero who doesn’t have a trusty sidekick? That’s where your favorite new habit and secret weapon comes in — writing things down.


Monday Motivation: Four Tips to Jumpstart Your Week

Ahhh, another Monday morning — some people dread the sound of it, but a positive few reframe it as a fresh start full of new opportunities. So whether you’re jumping out of bed excited to kick off the week or are timidly tiptoeing into a jam-packed week full of meetings, we’re here with a few tips to help boost your Monday Motivation and make the most out of the week.


Five Journaling Ideas to Help Boost Your Creativity

When it comes to daily journaling, there are hardly any rules — whether you want to begin each journal entry with “Dear Diary” or completely riff and ramble, the key is to embrace the freedom to express your thoughts, emotions, and experiences without judgment or constraint.


The Top Five Benefits of Daily Journaling

In a world where digital devices seem to rule our lives, the timeless charm of pen and paper has made a bold comeback. So what are you waiting for?! Join the crowd that has rediscovered the therapeutic joys of physically putting thoughts to paper, and experience a deep connection that pixels on a screen simply can't replicate. Let's dive in and explore five incredible benefits of picking up a daily journaling habit.


Enhance Your Daily Routine with Printable Planner Templates

In today's fast-paced world, multitasking has become the norm, so at times, staying organized and on top of everything might feel like a juggling act. But rest assured, your new favorite tool is here to save the day — printable planner templates! Offering a myriad of benefits that can significantly improve our productivity and overall well-being, printable planners and printable daily to-do lists are the perfect way to streamline your daily routines and achieve all of your goals. It’s like a secret weapon for success — one simple PDF template...


Five Happiness Hacks to Live a More Fulfilled Life

Happiness is not just a goal, but rather a state of mind. Cultivating a positive attitude, checking-in with ourselves by practicing gratitude on a daily basis, and focusing on the present moment all contribute to living a more joyful and fulfilling life. By choosing to prioritize happiness as a state of mind rather than an end goal, there’s no doubt that you’ll find joy in the simple moments and appreciate all of the beauty that is life's journey.


Monday Afternoon Motivation: Kickstart Your Week

Well, it's Monday afternoon yet again, and we all know what that means — while you’ve made it through the morning with one eye peeled open and a non-stop IV drip of caffeine, there’s still a long way to go to get through the week. That’s why we’re here with a few ideas to help kickstart your Monday afternoon motivation so you can carry that energy and get through the rest of the week with a smile on your face.


How to Stop Overthinking Things and Relax Your Mind

It's natural for our minds to race from time to time, especially when we're feeling stressed or anxious. Our brains jump into action, thinking of all the possible scenarios that could play out and looking for solutions. However, constantly living in this elevated state can be exhausting. If you feel like you're stuck replaying the same situations over and over in your head, don't worry, we've got your back. Keep reading for some tips to help reduce those irrational, nagging thoughts and get you back to a place of zen.


Six Ways to Reduce Anxiety and Feel Like Yourself Again

Whether it's a looming work deadline, an overwhelming social event, or just plain old everyday stressors, we’ve all had those moments where we just can’t shake those feelings of anxiousness. Anxiety can affect both our physical and mental well-being, leading to symptoms like increased heart rate, muscle tension, and racing thoughts. The good news is, there are ways to manage and reduce anxiety so that it doesn't control our lives.


How to Get Rid of the Sunday Scaries

Picture this: It’s Sunday night around 9pm, and after a fun weekend full of brunch with your best gal friends, an epic spin class and some relaxing family time watching the game, it hits you like a ton of bricks — the Sunday Scaries are here to wreak havoc yet again, like clockwork. But fear not, ladies, because Tidy Plans is here today with a few strategies for banishing that nagging weight of the Sunday Scaries so you can instead approach the week ahead with excitement and a renewed sense...


30 Morning Journaling Prompts to Help Boost Your Mood

Good morning sunshine! Whether you’ve jumped out of bed or are still waiting for that cup of coffee to kick in, we’re here to help inspire you with a few morning journal prompts for your new favorite habit — if you haven’t started a morning journaling habit yet, there’s simply no time like the present. Morning journaling can be life-changing, and a great way to both check-in with yourself and boost your mood.


From Chaos to Calm: How to Start a Daily Journaling Habit

Do you ever feel like life is one big game of Jenga with a million different pieces that could topple over at any second? If so, don't sweat it, because you're definitely not alone. Life is often overwhelming and sometimes feels like a never ending stream of curveballs, but fortunately, there's one simple habit that can help us find calm in the midst of our chaotic lives and brains that never seem to want to rest — and that’s daily journaling.


Three Ways to Make Self-Care a Non-Negotiable Part of Your Day

Self-care isn’t just the latest trendy buzzword — it's a crucial part of maintaining a healthy and balanced life. Unfortunately, it's also one of the first things to fall by the wayside when life gets busy. You’ve probably heard the old adage, "you can't pour from an empty cup" plenty of times before. While it may seem a bit cliché, the truth behind it can’t be ignored. When we constantly push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion, our lives become a daily struggle rather than the well-oiled machine that we...