The Ultimate Productivity Hack: Printable Calendars

The Ultimate Productivity Hack: Printable Calendars


Whether you’re a Little-Miss-Forgetful or more of a Type-A Planner-Aheader, having a printable calendar on your desk is bound to be a game-changer. Not only can you use it to get organized, but the right calendar and also help you reduce stress and act as a boost of motivation. What’s not to love?! Let’s get into it:

It’ll Keep Things Top of Mind

First and foremost, it will be… first and foremost! By keeping your calendar somewhere that you can always see it — printing it out for your desk, your fridge or even hung on your wall, all of your upcoming to-do’s and deadlines will stay top of mind. It might sound a bit old-school, but how many times have you forgotten to run out to grab a card for your friend’s baby shower this upcoming weekend? Yeah, us too. 

Keeping things buried in your Gmail calendar which, let’s be honest, we try to avoid checking as little as possible, is a great way to lose track of things. By seeing your day, week and entire month laid out in front of you a few times a day, you can better prioritize quick-turnaround tasks and ensure that everything gets accomplished when it needs to.

blank printable calendar templates

Give Your Eyes a Screen Break

These days, we’re all trying to get out from behind our phones, laptops and TVs. So using an old-school printable calendar is a great way to give yourself a chance to log out for a few minutes. There’s just something magical about having a physical calendar to write on that is bound to get you into an organizational and planning mood.

Stop that endless stream of phone notifications that make your eyes glaze over, and get to planning things out in a more tactile and relaxed way. And hey, while you’re at it, maybe even spend a few moments doing some morning journaling — it goes hand-in-hand with planning ahead, and a little bit of self-reflection just might help you get your slew of priorities in order. 

Because Shouldn’t Mix With Your Personal Life

Not only will using a physical printed calendar give your eyes a screen break, but it’s also a great way to ensure that you’re fun weekend activities and personal goals don’t mix in with those pesky End of Quarter reviews and weekly stand-up meetings. Highlighting birthdays, social events, weddings, vacations — you know, those things you actually look forward to — can be a great pick-me-up on those mornings where you just need a little extra boost of motivation. 

We already know that maintaining a healthy work/life balance is critical towards feeling fulfilled and being happy — so make sure that personal calendar comes first! It’s also a great tool to use for the entire family, so that your partner, kids, mom — whoever — knows what’s coming up during the week ahead, and if there are any major events during the coming weekend! No more arguments over who forgot to communicate about your Aunt Susie’s 50th birthday party… it’s on the fridge!

blank printable calendar templates

There’s Nothing Like Pen-to-Paper

You know that satisfying feeling of crossing something off your to-do list? Well, printable calendars are no different, because crossing out the day at the end of a busy workday provides that same sense of accomplishment. Plus, while doing so, you’ll have a second to glance at what’s next up, so you can be prepared for tomorrow (and the rest of the week!) the night before — and we all know that preparation is a major key towards unlocking that elusive morning productivity!

Not to mention, the act of physically writing something down has been scientifically proven to help solidify it in your memory and make you more likely to follow through. It’s like making a little promise to yourself — if it’s important enough to jot down on your calendar, it’s important enough to follow through on.

Brighten Things Up

Sure, maybe we’re a little biased, but we’re convinced that a bright, colorful, cute stationery can be a gamechanger when it comes to boosting your mood, especially if your desk is behind beige cubicle walls or under harsh fluorescent lighting. That’s why in our collection of 2023 printable calendars are full of bright florals and fun designs — a little color goes a long way!

Choose a calendar that speaks to your personality and soul, and you’re bound to make planning and organizing feel way more fun and enjoyable. And hey, why not spice things up a bit? Throw in some stickers, highlighters, washi tape or other accessories to personalize your calendar even more and make it truly your own!

You’ve Just Got to Stick With It!

The best way to make any productivity tool effective — digital or physical — is by being consistent. By making a habit of reviewing and updating your calendar at the same time every day (we suggest first thing in the morning — keep it on your nightstand!), it’ll quickly become like a trusty sidekick. By incorporating it into your daily routine, you’ll build momentum and stay motivated to get everything done. 

Sure, life can be unpredictable, and if you notice that a month has gone by without keeping up with your calendar, don’t fret — just get back on the wagon and try to stick with it next month! Or, may consider breaking thing down into even smaller, more manageable goals. In fact for that, we have an entire collection of printable weekly planners that are bound to guide you towards that productive flow state!

* * *

However you decide to tackle your to-do list and upcoming plans is totally your choice — we’re just here with a few suggestions that might be worth trying to incorporate to your daily self-care routine. After all, life is about trial and error and figuring things out as we go. Here’s to getting organized, using whatever productivity hack works best for you. Happy planning!

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